
Hello, World!

Dao Nguyen


User Experience Designer / Creative Problem-Solver

Design for me is about solving problems. It's when something breaks that the magic can begin.

I think in terms of systems—how are things connected and affecting other things? How do the parts fit into the whole? I ask why. I craft user-centered solutions. I tell stories to communicate the meaning of what I make.

I have 10+ years experience designing across media & channels—from digital platforms, products, and services to integrated marketing campaigns. Long before that, I was a science nerd.


Selected Case Studies



UX/UI Design

Researching & conducting competitive audits, interviews, user testing

Developing user flows & stories, personas, site maps, wireframes, prototypes, digital style guides

Designing interfaces and visual systems for websites, intranets, & apps

Leading brainstorming sessions & collaborating with cross-functional teams

Project & People Management

Gathering business requirements & translating them into functional specifications

Managing cross-disciplinary teams, budgets, & multiple projects with overlapping timelines

Managing QA & User Acceptance Testing

Managing & mentoring designers & developers

Integrated Marketing

Concepting integrated marketing campaigns for lead acquisition, retention, & growth

Designing & developing landing pages, emails, banner ads, websites, print ads, brochures, direct mail, environmental graphics, publications

Presenting concepts & creative to clients




Building database-driven websites



Concepting & designing brand identities & logo systems

Developing Brand and Style Guidelines